The gun will need to be partially disassembled - just go slow, and remember that each screw needs to return to it's original home, so get a piece of cardboard box, draw an approximation of the receiver on it, and poke a hole in your drawing where each screw can rest until reassembly
1) Clear the rifle & ensure the chamber and magazine are EMPTY.
2) Unscrew/remove the tang screw from the upper/rear receiver tang, and pull off the butt stock to the rear.
3) Partially open bolt/lever, remove lever pivot screw and slide lever out of the bottom of the receiver (no need to remove bolt)
4) De-cock the hammer with the safety disengaged. Push forward on the hammer spring bridge and pull or push out one side of its groove. This will free the hammer spring.
5) Remove hammer pivot screw, bottom trigger plate screw and side support screws to free the trigger plate from the receiver.
6) Remove the trigger plate / lower tang from the bottom of the receiver (some gentle prying may be needed).
7) Pull the locking lug out of the bottom of the receiver and swing the carrier out of the receiver (no need to remove the carrier pivot screw)
8) Unscrew the loading gate spring (1” behind he loading gate opening) and install the new gate and screw it in
Reassemble in reverse order.
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